Routine. Most of us strive for it. I know I do. I always seem to get more done when my life has a pattern. Even if it's different every day of the week, as long as my weekly pattern stays the same or roughly the same, I'm good.
Here's the perfect example. At the beginning of every semester, I start a new class schedule. I start a new work schedule. The only thing that stays even remotely the same is my Chi Alpha and church schedule. At the beginning of every semester, I'm anxious to figure out my new routine and get settled into it.
Yesterday, I got a little talking to about routine. Kind of. I didn't really get in trouble, but God definitely felt the need to point some things out to me.
Whenever my schedule (and as a result, my routine) changes, I immediately try to settle into a new rhythm. I try to set up a new routine as quickly as possible so I can start getting things done again. Often, I say I want a routine so I know when I can have my Jesus time.
But here's the thing, before I get in that new routine, I'm so much better at really being aware of Him and my need for Him. When I have a routine, I have set times that are my "free time"; they're meant for homework, hanging out with friends, reading, watching the occasional movie or television show and of course, Jesus time. Sometimes, if I get started on it right, a certain hour will end up being set aside for that quiet time.
Sadly, I often don't make enough of that free time Jesus time. I always say He's important enough that I'll make time for Him no matter what time of day or night, but I don't always. Because I have my routine down, I'm comfortable. I have a pretty decent idea of what's going to happen every day, and so I don't take those opportunities to spend time with Him like I should.
When I don't have a routine, I'm much more willing to take time for Him. I find random free time and decide to fill it with Him. I get excited about something and decide to thank Him for it. I start feeling a little dry, and go to the Living Water to fill me up. I'm more aware of how much I need Him because I know I have no clue what the day will hold. I'm more willing to spend that time with Him because I don't feel like there are a million things I need to get done.
Yesterday, God asked me to let Him change my plans. My plan was to go pick up a few things from the store after class and make my way back to my flat where I would do laundry, cook dinner, maybe get a head start on a paper and talk to some friends on Facebook or Skype. God decided to make it "date night." It was great. I came back to my flat far happier than I would have otherwise and far more willing to hear from Him.
Now, routine's not all bad. Time set aside specifically for worship and fellowship with God is extremely important. It just can't be all you do.
Because, this walk with God is a relationship. In a relationship, you can't just tell someone, "I'll spend this amount of time with you everyday or every week. This is where you fit into my schedule." In addition to setting aside time for them, you have to be available. You have to be willing to do spontaneous things with them. You have to include them in all of your life. You can't just leave them out.
When our walk with God becomes routine, it becomes more about a religion than a relationship. We start going through the motions. That's not what He wants.
So, this is something I'm going to have to work on myself, but I have a challenge for you. Find that time that is specifically dedicated to God - that time that you set aside for Him in your busy day. But don't limit Him to that time. Start listening for when He calls you to spend time with Him and walk with Him throughout the day. Be willing to let Him interrupt your plans for the day. See where He takes you and what He speaks to you. I promise. You won't be disappointed.
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